
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Black Heart Procession

"Ons was in die eerste plek nie eens regtig van plan om 'n band te wees nie. " So sê Tobias Nathaniel, pianis en die een helfte van die brein en die hart van The Black Heart Procession.
Ons wou net 'n breek vat en iets anders doen as ThreeMilePilot.
Ghettoblaster beskryf hul musiek as die soort musiek wat jy vir jou ex in haar woonstel los as klankbaan van jou selfmoord!
Dis egter baie meer as nog 'n tiener angs-album, dis eensaam, hartseer, donker maar fantasties.
Hul eerste opnames het net uit Pall Jenkins en Tobias Nathaniel bestaan. Na twaalf jaar en tien albums het hulle met hul laaste album "Six" weer teruggekeer na hul "wortels".
Waar hulle gebruik gemaak het van 'n groot aantal kunstenaars op hul laaste albums, is Six weer net hul twee bymekaar.

Hierdie is nog'n paar mooi snitte:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tom Waits For Nobody

Poor Edward

Poor Edward is 'n ware verhaal van 'n man Edward Mordake wat in die laat 18e eeu in Engeland met twee gesigte gebore was.Hy het 'n vrou se gesig (sy sussie?) agter op sy kop gehad. Die gesig kon nie eet of praat nie maar soos die lied gaan, kon die lag en huil. Edward was 'n erfgenaam in een van die rykste families in die Britse adelstand. Hy was glo besonder skrander, aantreklik en 'n akademikus.
Hy het egter aan slaaploosheid gely omdat die tweeling gesig in die nag vir hom gefluister het.
Geen dokter was in daardie tyd bereid om die gesig te verwyder nie. Edward het toe op 23 jarige ouderdom homself opgehang.

Tom het hierdie lied geskryf en opgeneem in sy 2002 opera- Alice.
Did you hear the news about Edward?
On the back of his head he had another face
Was it a woman's face or a young girl?
They said to remove it would kill him
So poor Edward was doomed
The face could laugh and cry
It was his devil twin
And at night she spoke to him
Things heard only in hell
But they were impossible to separate
Chained together for life
Finally the bell tolled his doom
He took a suite of rooms
And hung himself and her from the balcony irons
Some still believe he was freed from her
But I knew her too wellI say she drove him to suicide
And took poor Edward to hell
TomWaits op sy beste, die man wat sê:
"I don't have a drinking problem ‘cept when I can't get a drink"
My kids are starting to notice I'm a little different from the other dads. "Why don't you have a straight job like everyone else?" they asked me the other day. I told them this story: In the forest, there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. Every day, the straight tree would say to the crooked tree, "Look at me...I'm tall, and I'm straight, and I'm handsome. Look at you...you're all crooked and bent over. No one wants to look at you." And they grew up in that forest together. And then one day the loggers came, and they saw the crooked tree and the straight tree, and they said, "Just cut the straight trees and leave the rest." So the loggers turned all the straight trees into lumber and toothpicks and paper. And the crooked tree is still there, growing stronger and stranger every day.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stevie Nicks - Landslide

Sit vanaand so voor die rekenaar en luister na Johnnie Cash se laaste album .
Hy sing hierop 'n pragtige song van Sheryl Crow - Redemption Bay.

Op soek na Crow se oorspronklike weergawe, kry ek 'n pragtige Youtube weergawe waar sy saam met Stevie Nicks sing... beautifull.
Op dieselfde Youtube bladsy is daar ook die ou song :

Stevie Nicks - Landslide
"But time makes it bolder; children get older
I'm getting older too...."

"n Enorme song met 2,069,070 views, 2,069,074 toe ek klaar is!
Lindsey Buckingham op kitaar (sonder pick!) maak die song.
Na al die jare is daar nog steeds iets spesiaal tussen hulle...
kyk hoe sit sy haar hand op sy skouer tydens Lindsey se kitaarsolo .

Die lied gaan oor 'n Pa - Dogter verhouding.
~Stevie Nicks - Landslide was written the night beforemy dad was operated on at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota in 1974.
I realized then that everything could tumble, and when you're in Colorado, and you're surrounded by these incredible mountains, you think avalanche. It meant the whole world could tumble around us and the landslide would bring you down. And a landslide in the snow is like, deadly. And when you're in that kind of a snow-covered, surrounding place, you don't just go out and yell, because the whole mountain could come down on you.

I took my love and I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
And the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky--what is love?
Can the child in my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin'...ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
I don't know.....I don't know...

Well I've been afraid of changin'
Because I've built my life around you
But time makes it bolder; children get older
I'm getting older too....

So, take this love...take it down.
Oh, if you climb a mountain and you turn around
and you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills...
well, the landslide will bring you down;
The landslide will bring you down...

They just build them like they used to.......

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Willard Grant Conspiracy

Willard Grant Conspiracy is 'n Amerikaanse groep met net Robert Fisher as permanente lid. Meer as dertig ander lede vanoor ons aardbol was al deel gewees van hul opnamesessies. Robert het gesê: "As iemand sê dat hulle speel saam met ons, dan het hy waarskynlik nie!" Robert was aanvanklik geïnspireer deur die Howe Gelb van Giant Sand. Sy Americana styl en stem word met dié van John Cale en Johnny Cash vergelyk
In 2000 het Robert terug verhuis na die huis van sy jeug, in die Palmdale / Lancaster gebied van die suidelike CA, waar beide Frank Zappa en Captain Beefheart grootgeword het. Die kunstenaar beskryf dit as "... 'n landbou-oase in die middel van die woestyn - turksvye plase saam sit met, die lug, landelike en hoë-tegnologie, mense in die sleepwaens in die middel van nêrens.
Daar is ruimte hier en dit laat jou toe om 'n klomp dinge te doen".
Paul Austen en Terri Moeller (ex The Walkabouts) is nou deel van
The TransmissionarySix
Kristen Hersh en Eckman ook van The Walkabouts was deel van die Regard The End opname.

is nog voorbeelde van hul musiek.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mark Oliver Everett's

Mr. E, a.k.a. Mark Everett is die great bearded dude van die Eels. Hulle ou goed was 'n bietjie grungy vir my smaak maar Mr E en sy Eels se laaste twee albums val so reg innie middel van my kraal.(aldus John Lane)
Voorlaaste album Hombre Lobo en die nuutste End Times is na diepe persoonlike tragedies uitgereik.
Ma en suster kort na mekaar oorlede en pas geskei.
Heerlike gatskop soulsearching musiek.
En ja, eendag as ek groot is wil ek ook so 'n baard hê!
Na sy suster se dood het hy Little Bird geskryf
......"Goddamn I miss that girl"......
 GuyEen Een van die comments onder "That Look You Give That Guy"
.........regular people like you and me can only hope god blesses us with a beard like that....... hie hie.
Lees hier verder oor hierdie interesante musikant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Oliver_Everett

Mr. E se pa was 'n fisikus wat die bekende Quantum teorie van paralêlle wêrelde in 1957 voorspel het.
In 2008 was hy deel van die volgende dokumentêr :

The rock star and the quantum mechanic By Andrew Thompson
The quest has helped Mark understand his father better
This December sees the release of the feature film The Golden Compass based on Philip Pullman's Dark Materials trilogy. What many of the cinema-goers will not know is that Pullman's clever use of parallel universes relies heavily on the work of an American quantum physicist, Hugh Everett III.
In 1957, this young and brilliant physicist published a paper which used some heavy duty mathematics to predict the existence of parallel universes.
Although the concept of parallel universes seeped into popular culture, it was considered too way-out for mainstream physicists; and for many years, it remained in the scientific wilderness.
Now, 50 years on, Hugh Everett's son has travelled across America for a BBC Four documentary to find out more about his father's theory, and why it has now been accepted by many physicists as the work of a scientific genius.
He is the first to admit that he can barely add up a restaurant tip and knows virtually nothing about quantum physics
Mark Oliver Everett's own career path couldn't have been more different from that of his father.
Mark Everett is the creative force behind the successful American cult rock band Eels. He is the first to admit that he can barely add up a restaurant tip and knows virtually nothing about quantum physics.
The splitting universe
But the main reason Mark decided to participate in the documentary was that he has always felt estranged from his father, and this would be an opportunity to understand his father better.
Along the way, Mark meets many of his father's old colleagues and also younger physicists who have been inspired by Hugh Everett's work.
The subject matter of parallel universes is hard to grasp
Mark receives a crash course in the history of quantum mechanics and also why Hugh's theory was so revolutionary. In his key paper, Hugh Everett argued that at the quantum level the universe is constantly splitting; and every time it splits a new universe is born.

It sounds bizarre to the layman but for Professor Max Tegmark, physicist at MIT, it makes good sense. In the BBC documentary he enthuses to Mark Everett: "In my personal opinion, your dad's theory is one of the most important discoveries of all time in science; and I can't emphasise that enough - how important I think it is.

"And I would put it right up there with Einstein's relativity theory, Newton's theory of gravity. And I think 50 years from now, he is going to be even more famous than he is now, when more experiments have been confirmed that this seems to be the way that the world works."

But just as importantly, Mark begins to understand why he was so estranged from his father. And it is all to do with scientific egos.

Voice from the past
Essentially, Hugh attempted to upstage the godfather of quantum physics, Niels Bohr. Bohr was the author of the established theory of the time (known as the Copenhagen Interpretation) and refused to accept the work of Hugh Everett.
This was a devastating blow to Hugh Everett who left academia at the time and was always upset by the fact that his scientific theory was not taken more seriously until shortly before his early death in 1982.
Mark helped the BBC search through his father's archives
One of the highlights of the documentary is the discovery of some audio tapes by Mark Everett. They are the only known voice recording of his father (there is no known film footage) and Hugh Everett talks about how he first came up with his theory as a young student at Princeton.
The tapes were believed lost so they are an important finding for the history of science. For Mark it was also the personal opportunity to hear his father's voice after a 25-year void.
Hugh Everett III died of a heart attack in his home in 1982. It was Mark who found the body.
"My father never, ever said anything to me about his theories. I was in the same house with him for at least 18 years but he was a total stranger to me.
"He was in his own parallel universe. He was a physical presence, like the furniture, sitting there jotting down crazy notations at the dining room table night after night. I think he was deeply disappointed that he knew he was a genius but the rest of the world didn't know it."
By participating in the documentary, Mark has finally made peace with his father.
Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives is broadcast on BBC Four on Monday, 26 November, 2007, at 2100 GMT